Business Description

Camelot Ghana Ltd engages in the printing of security documents and business forms. It is involved in security printing, business forms manufacture, and design facility. The company focuses on three production lines: security stationery, continuous and cut sheet stationery, and Local Government. Under the security stationary, the company offers cheque printing, voucher printing, ticket printing, etc. Under the continuous and cut sheet stationery the company offers Insurance Company Forms, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Forms, Bankers Drafts, Listing Paper - standard and special size, and Airline Board Passes. Under the Local Government stationary, the company offers council tax forms, poll cards, electoral ballot papers, revenue collection tickets, receipts, payroll stationery, etc.

Financial Strength

Name Current Vs Industry Vs History

Growth Rank

Name Current Vs Industry Vs History

Momentum Rank

Name Current Vs Industry Vs History
5-Day RSI 100
9-Day RSI 100
14-Day RSI 100
6-1 Month Momentum % 10
12-1 Month Momentum % 10

Liquidity Ratio

Name Current Vs Industry Vs History

Dividend & Buy Back

Name Current Vs Industry Vs History
Dividend Yield % 51.82
Forward Dividend Yield % 51.82

Profitability Rank

Name Current Vs Industry Vs History
FCF Margin % -71.51

GF Value Rank

Name Current Vs Industry Vs History